Be A Planting Pro

Gardener's Monthly Checklist For June

Written by InColor Plants | Jan 2, 2023 7:25:39 PM

Successful gardeners in Colorado and the surrounding region know there's always something to do throughout the year. Whether it's planning your layout, starting seeds, planting or fertilizing, InColor is here to offer key steps each month to help keep you on track throughout the year.

Summer is approaching in Colorado. Check out these six important tasks to keep your garden thriving during the upcoming heat.


1. Direct sow herbs and vegetables

Herbs like basil, chives, cilantro, and parsley can be grown from seed. Sow them directly into soil and keep them moist. Most herbs will germinate quickly and be able to start harvesting in 3-4 weeks. It's also a good time to plant corn, cantaloupe, pumpkin, watermelon, and zucchini. 

Be sure to read our blog: 13 Warm Season Vegetables For Your Colorado Garden


2. Transplant seedlings

Early June is an excellent time to transplant tomatoes, cucumber, summer squash and peppers. Remember to plant tomatoes deep, burying 2/3 of the plant underground. This will help ensure a better root system for a stronger, healthier, better yielding plant. 

Be sure to read our blog: Beginner's Guide To Tomato Plants


3. Plant perennials

The entire month of June is a great time to plant perennials. Our favorite perennials for Colorado include Salvia, Lavender, Echinacea, Day Lilies, and Hostas. Planting them now will give them adequate time to become established before dormancy and cold weather arrive in the Fall.

Be sure to read our blog: 5 Best Perennials To Grow In Colorado


4. Water daily

Check all containers daily and water them when necessary. They can dry out very quickly. Water garden beds as needed as they generally require less water than containers. The best time to water is in the morning or late afternoon. Avoid watering plants at night to reduce the risk of disease development.

Be sure to read our blog: How To Water Outside Plants


5. Keep up with garden maintenance

This is the time of year when weeds are in full force. Stay vigilant and keep pulling them to keep your garden as free of weeds as possible to ensure garden health. Continue regular garden maintenance as June progresses. Deadhead annuals and perennials to encourage more blooms. Prune spring flowering trees and shrubs likes lilacs after they finish blooming.


6. Fertilize your lawn

Mow your lawn weekly or as often as needed to maintain 2 to 3 inches of height. Allow the grass clippings to stay on the lawn because they turn into natural fertilizer filled with water and nutrients like nitrogen to keep your lawn healthy. Apply additional fertilizer between now and the third week of June to help prepare your lawn for the hot days ahead.

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